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Creamy Turmeric Spiced Manuka Honey Coconut Milk Eggnog

Creamy Turmeric Spiced Manuka Honey Coconut Milk Eggnog

I used to have a love-hate relationship with eggnog. I love creamy textured cocktails but the very thought of how many calories one mug of traditional eggnog contains put me right off. Also given I’m actually from the southern hemisphere, eggnog didn’t seem to fit in as a summery festive delight. However now that I live in the UK and winter is upon us, I thought I would rustle up my own healthy version of this creamy treat that the whole family can happily sip guilt free. In fact this is packed with great source of good fats, protein, spices and the ‘optional’ ( but I’d say essential ) warmth from the alcohol for adults.

This recipe is super versatile. I’ve tried this chilled poured over ice. It's lovely, rich and velvety smooth which could work well for a hot summers evening or poured over ice cream. I've tried it warmed through, which thins it out just a little but is so incredibly comforting for a cold winters night. I've also added the virgin mixture to my morning protein shakes which incidentally turned into an incredible ( yet accidental ) chocolate eggnog mouse! Super healthy protein dessert for breakfast or after dinner! I'm sure I'll find another use for this incredibly nutritious concoction.

This is a healthy yet velvety, creamy and (optionally) boozy delight. If you like sipping Baileys or Irish Cream, but then you’ll love my eggnog, as will your body.

If you prefer your eggnog quite sweet then I’d recommend you add more honey or 100% pure maple syrup to taste.


Serves 6
Takes 15-20mins to make.

3 cans of good coconut milk    
6 egg yolks
1 vanilla bean pod
1 tablespoon of vanilla bean extract
1/4 - 1/2 cup Manuka honey ( depends on how sweet you prefer your eggnog )
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp ground cinnamon

*1/2 cup of spiced rum or brandy (optional)


Heat the coconut milk and vanilla bean pod until warm in medium saucepan. Be careful not to boil. Taste to check depth of vanilla. If you are happy with this subtle flavour then you can decide whether or not to put in the extra vanilla bean extract. Personally I add the extract as the vanilla enhances and softens the spices too.

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Blend the egg yolks, honey and spices in a blender.

Slowly add in the coconut mixture into the egg mixture to warm it and then add the whole mixture back into the saucepan to warm through again.

Bring up to low heat and whisk until it thickens a little. Before putting in your rum or brandy, syphon some of the eggnog out for your kids. Stir in your rum or brandy into the main pot of eggnog and serve hot or cold.

I like to keep it simple and sprinkle a little ground cinnamon on top. Perfect treat to serve Santa when he drops off the pressies!

Would love to hear from you! How do you like your eggnog? Please comment below.

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